
Ubium, with its contextual games vision, is the Regional Winner at the European Satellite Navigation Competition 2014(ESNC).


Contextual games are just starting! and the opportunities to create contextual games around the globe are UNLIMITED!. The evidence of this statements is based on tonight's recognition of ubium's visios.


Tonight we collect Ubium's price as the winner of the Finnish region at the European Satellite Navigation Competition 2014.


Here some memories before we continue with the second day's program :)




Ubium's roll up of our winning idea!





Reserved sits for us!



Starting the award event!



Ubium receiving the award!



A photo, with a non profesional camera, after the award ceremony!  (The professional photos will come later! )


Ubium is  aware that each spot of our planet is unique. We want to make meaningful contextual games and today we know that the European Satellite Navigation Competition support our visions.


The event has been full of energy and visions, allowing us to persive that this journey is just starting!




post written by cais